
這一次事件的主角是Citroen車隊的Jesus Puras,他遭到其他車隊的人員檢舉探路時進行違法練習,不過由於沒有明確的證據顯示他的行為不合規定,於是大會還是決定讓他能出賽。其實例如這樣的事件在台灣曾經舉辦過的大小越野賽事中也同樣發生過,尤其在車手求勝心切的驅使下,通常在主辦單位公佈路書與探路時間前的一週甚至更早就會有車手前往「可能」的比賽路段製作「副駕駛筆記」的工作,更甚者也發生過在路邊的電線桿上做記號等作弊的行為,當然也有些車手所幸就直接在公路上廝殺練習起來了,其實這對賽車主辦單位是一種嚴重的傷害,因為這些外來車手不當的行為會造成地方政府核可比賽的意願,同時地方警察機關也會因此持反對舉辦比賽的意見,當然造成地方居民交通與噪音的影響更是嚴重,所以這幾年來在國內推動越野賽的難度便越來越高,而這是一些渴望參賽的選手所最不願意見到的事,但這卻也是一些欲求表現的選手所種下的惡性循環。



22. 路線探勘的基本條件
22. General conditions for reconnaissance
Out of consideration for the safety of the participants, the organisers must allow them to acquaint themselves with the route.

主辦單位必需提供參賽者有機會去涵蓋這些路段以求熟悉(事前在一個公佈給大眾和 參賽者知曉的固定時段),且需以符合道路交通法規的正常註冊車輛為之。

23. FIA recommendations
The FIA makes the following recommendations:
a) Reconnaissance forbidden either by the authorities or by the owners of the land (military authorities, Forestry Commission, private owners): The organisers must give the crews the opportunity of acquainting themselves with the itinerary by covering it (at a time fixed in advance and of which both the public and the competitors have been informed), in nomally registered cars while respecting the Road Traffic Laws.

b) Reconnaissance likely to cause disturbance (disturbances in residential areas, the inconveniencing or endangering of other road users, etc.): Reconnaissance, restricted in both duration and number, must be organised.

c) Free reconnaissance in areas where the environment is not likely to be disturbed, or where legislation allows it.

24. Reconnaissance
Organisers who decide to include in their supplementary regulations a text on reconnaissance must allow the possibility of using reconnaissance cars conforming to Article 25 below.

25. 探路用車
25. Reconnaissance cars
Reconnaissance cars must conform to the following criteria:

25.1 它必需是量產車型。
25.1 Series production car.

25.2 車身必需為單色,而且不得有任何的廣告或標籤等等。
25.2 The car must be painted in a single colour, with no advertising, stickers, etc.

25.3 其引擎必需是一具符合N組規格的量產引擎。
25.3 The engine shall be a series production engine (complying with the Group N regulations).

25.4 其變速箱必需是一具符合N組規格的量產變速箱。
25.4 The gearbox shall be a series production gearbox (complying with the Group N regulations).

25.5 其排氣管必需是量產規格,而且其排氣噪音水準必需合於主辦國法規容許的範圍。
25.5 The exhaust shall be a series production exhaust and the maximum noise level permitted in the organising country shall be respected.

25.6 其懸吊系統必需符合N組的規格。
25.6 Suspensions shall comply with the Group N regulations.

25.7 必需配有底盤保護措施(並符合N組規定)。
25.7 Underbody protection is authorised (complying with the Gr. N regulations).

25.8 必需裝置合於附錄J第253章8.1節至8.4節規定的鋼製安全防滾桿。
25.8 The fitting of a steel safety rollbar complying with Article 253-8.1 to 8.4 of Appendix J is authorised.

25.9 與車子內裝顏色相近的安全裝備是被允許的。
25.9 Safety harnesses in colours similar to those of the interior of the car are authorised.

25.10 與車子內裝顏色相近的桶型座椅是被允許的。
25.10 Bucket seats in colours similar to those of the interior of the car are authorised.

25.11 兩枚額外的、經過道路認證的輔助頭燈是被允許的。
25.11 Two additional road-homologated headlamps are authorised.

25.12 在附錄J的N組規格限制下,輪圈的形式不限制,而且必須符合以下兩點:
25.12 The rims are free within the limits of Appendix J, Group N, and shall be fitted with:

25.12.1 在柏油路面上應使用經過認證的量產型輪胎。
25.12.1 Road-homologated series production tyres for asphalt.

25.12.2 在非柏油路面上的輪胎型式不限。
25.12.2 Free tyres for dirt.

25.13 車手可以使用〝輕型〞的無線電通訊系統(不附在安全帽上者)。這些規則必需註明在越野賽的補充規則書當中。
25.13 The crew may use a "light" intercommunication system (without helmets). These regulations must feature in the supplementary regulations of the rally.

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